Thursday, November 7, 2013

Active Learning Blog #1 Mr.Vaughan

Active learning is fun and challenging so far this year, since I'm in gr.9 I think getting a chance to lead the grade eights is a pretty good experience. I think I deserve an 'A' this year because I have been improving in fitness (ex. beep test 10.4-12.9). I deserve an 'A' because I've been pretty good around the grade eights and I show up on time for class with my gym strips on. Overall so far this year I've been pretty good in gym, and I look forward to the rest of the year! 


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Le Blog Ratatouille

Le Blog Ratatouille
         Bonjour, je m’appelle Mickey. Dans Français cours nous surveillé Ratatouille. Mon 

vraiment réellement apprécier ceci film parce ce il est très drôle amusant. Mon favori

 personnage du film est Remy parce ce il a cran. Il est ne pas avoir peur à cuisiner,

 encore bien que quoique il est à rat. Mon penser Remy est très sociable parce ce il n’est 

pas effraye terrorise a interagir avec autre gens.

         Si mon être à taux ceci film dehors de cinq d’étoiles, mon devrait donner il quatre 

et a moitie d’étoilés parce ce de c’est humour. Mon devrait ne pas donner il cinq parce ce 

la histoire aspire.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

La Musique

Mickey                                                                                                          Le 19th Fevirer 2013
Blog : La Musique
         Bonjour, je m’appelle Mickey et mon  l’artiste favori est Keen’v, il est de la France.
 J’aime Keen’v parce que son musique est vraiment, très entrainant! Mon chanson
 fovori parKeen’v est J’aimerais trop. Mon la moins favorite chanson est Les Jours De
 Pluie par
 Alfa Rococo de Québec. Je n’aime ne pas Alfa Rococo parce ce leur musique est très
 rauque. J’ai appris ça, cel France musique n’est pas tellement mauvais. J’ai
 aussi, également ça, cela un peu vocabulaire de ceci activité, comme aussi : chanson
 (song), le rythme, la mélodie, la/le voix, et cetera. Dans son ensemble, j’ai pensé ce était
 un aussi, également amusement activite!      

Monday, January 28, 2013

Mickey's Active learning blk (with ms.miles)

1.During PE this year, how have you shown you are prepared and willing to participate 
in a variety of activities?  On what days have you participated to your best effort and 
why?  What days have been a struggle for you and why?
This year I always was prepared for Active Learning class all the time (in gym strips etc). I was willing to participate in group games, fitness, and other similar things. I usually participate in activities and put my best effort into it because Active Learning was really fun and I want to stay in shape. However, I don't always try on tuesdays and fridays because those were fitness days. Even though I always want to stay in shape,  my mind always tells me not to try. I think I should actually tell myself to try and to work even harder so I could achieve my goal.
2.How do you contribute to the overall success of the class?  What kind of attitude do 
you bring and why?  How do you interact with other students in our class?
In class I contribute in activities a lot but I'm not the type of person that would take a role in leadership and lead the class.I usually come to class and play some basketball with friends before the bell rings so I think I bring a good and happy attitude to class because playing basketball really motivates. I'm pretty sociable in class, I can talk with classmates but I usually just focus when participating in an activity.
3.Describe your participation during fitness days - have you been able to push yourself 
physically?  What types of fitness activities do you enjoy the most?  What fitness 
goals do you have for the rest of the year? 
On fitness days, I only push myself when we're doing something that I like/competitive. I don't enjoy fitness activities such as insanity, community run, etc. I enjoy fitness activities such as  the beep test because it's really competitive. As for a fitness goal for the rest of this year, I want to reach 12 and above for the beep test!
4.What does "leadership" mean to you?  Who are the best leaders in our class - why?
In Active Learning,  I think leadership means to take a role in class and to show the class new games/activities. In Ms.Miles class, I think the Gr.9s show the most leadership (not to mention any names), I think they show more leadership because they had experience from Gr 8/last year.
5.What improvements would you like to make in PE by the end of the year?  What are 
you the most proud of so far?
I am proud of getting 10.5 on my first beep test and I would like to improve my endurance and to try in class.
6.Finally, what letter grade A, B, C+, C, C- (gulp) best represents the effort you just described? 
I think the letter grade that best represents me is a 'B' because I need to work on my leadership and I need to try even harder on fitness days.